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Rhymecology® helps people express, discover, and create themselves through the study and power of hip-hop lyrics and culture. 

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*Rhyme Coaching

*Therapeutic Coaching

*Hip Hop Healing (For Therapists & Teachers

After 25 years of writing, reading, and studying lyrics, Jeff Walker became a master of rhyme writing and now is teaching others his secrets.


Jeff has a proven 5-pillar program for Rhymecology, which is interactive between coach and client, visionary, barrier breaking and fun as well. Jeff works with clients every step of the way as they work to become better songwriters and get completely clear with their artistic vision.


Unlike other song writing coaches, Jeff Walker gets “into the weeds” with the clients. He carefully examines every word, syllable and sentence to help clients cultivate the most creative and impactful rhymes possible.


Much more than just a rhyme coach, Jeff’s Masters degree in Psychology and 15 years experience counseling and coaching youth& adults is the perfect combination for those trying to break old habits so they can re-claim their power back.

Therapeutic Coaching

Rap Therapy for Adolescents:


Did you know that research shows that integrating hip-hop in counseling/therapy with adolescents increased attendance and participation?


Do you have or know a child who is not responding to traditional forms of talk therapy? Do you have or know a child who loves hip-hop music with no idea how to create it?


Rhymecology provides one on one counseling and coaching for youth who want to learn about hip-hop, how to write rhymes and an express themselves in a creative way. Jeff Walker has worked with youth-at-risk in some of the toughest areas in Los Angeles for over 15 years and often incorporates his Rhymecology techniques to help youth express, discover, and create the results that they want and deserve from their lives. 

A session may include:


  • Guided Meditation

  • Letter to past/future self

  • Breaking molds/barriers

  • Rhyme Writing

  • Therapeutic Techniques

  • Tools and techniques to compete w/current market/trends

  • Creating goals & a plan to achieve them

  • Accountability

  • Life Coaching

  • Feedback on lyrics

  • Become a Rhyme Master

  • Train brain to find rhymes

  • Hip hop history (Encyclopedia of hip-hop)

  • Step up the Rhyming Game

  • Content Expansion

Sessions are available via phone, Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime.

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